Espocada pays special attention to educational projects, the main one being Espocada Trend Week, an annual international design week, which has been traditionally held in September in Moscow for 12 years and is a key event for all representatives of the profession.

Espocada Trend Week is an international platform that brings together design and interior decoration professionals, helps to learn new trends in the industry, establish useful contacts, and personally communicate with speakers and experts.

The aim of Espocada Trend Week was and still is to contribute to the industry, to create a sense of taste, to indicate new trends. With their expert vision, the participants of the annual design week are always in the flow, attending all important events in the textile industry and broadcasting the latest information from the stage.

Espocada Trend Week is:

  • Lectures and master classes from invited experts and authoritative speakers.
  • Novelty presentations
  • Inspiration and opportunities
  • Creative growth

About Espocada

Espocada is the leader of the Russian interior textile market, which has been creating interior fabrics and setting trends for over 25 years. It is a brand that unites the best, most talented designers and decorators - people who have made beauty their profession.

Today, Espocada fabrics are present in all major salons in Russia and the nearest foreign countries.

The collections are developed with German specialists and produced at the best world factories, while the quality is checked and guaranteed by demanding European technologies

Espocada offers not fabrics, but a whole palette of opportunities for self-expression and creating a special atmosphere in any space.

A pleasant bonus is that all fabrics are available in Moscow in stock and it gives the opportunity to receive them the next day after ordering.